Accelerated Learning
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The Method
Pre-school learning
Primary school learning
Student learning skills
Adult learning skills
Learn another language
English as a 2nd language

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The Concept | CHAMPS | Foreign languages | Thinking skills T.O.C. | Yes you CAN draw!

PRACTICAL THINKING TOOLS that enable students to:

Identify the key ideas or issues within a lesson or text

Sequence what they have learned into a logical order for improved understanding

Expose and check the validity of assumptions

Identify inconsistencies in logic

Clarify problems and create their own thoughtful arguments and solutions

Set their own goals and develop a logical plan for achieving them

Resolve conflicts

Know how to predict the consequence of their own actions and therefore see why they should control any negative behaviour

The immediate result is that students participate more enthusiastically, and see how to transfer logical thinking skills from the classroom to solve personal issues.

These are lifetime skills that will directly improve student attainment and behaviour.

Children will learn lifelong thinking
skills through an enjoyable animated story

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